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June 3, 2010

Best of Luck, SpaceX!


Credits: SpaceX




The first test launch attempt for the Falcon 9 launch vehicle is set for Friday, June 4, 2010. A second launch may be attempted on Saturday, June 5, 2010.


From the SpaceX press release:
“It’s important to note that since this is a test launch, our primary goal is to collect as much data as possible, with success being measured as a percentage of how many flight milestones we are able to complete in this first attempt. It would be a great day if we reach orbital velocity, but still a good day if the first stage functions correctly, even if the second stage malfunctions. It would be a bad day if something happens on the launch pad itself and we’re not able to gain any flight data.”


Rocket science is hard.



A webcast of the event will be available starting 20 minutes prior to the opening of the launch window, which is at 11:00 AM Eastern. A user guide of the Falcon 9 launch vehicle is available here.


I wish you the best of luck, SpaceX! I will keep my fingers crossed…


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