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Credits: NASA


Beginning in August 1961, the MIT Instrumentation Laboratory (later known as the Charles Stark Draper Laboratory) developed the Apollo Primary Guidance, Navigation, and Control System (PGNCS). The PGNCS was an inertial guidance system that allowed Apollo spacecraft to navigate during periods when communication with Earth was interrupted. Both the Apollo command module (CM) and lunar module (LM) were equipped with a PGNCS.



This summer, June 10-12, MIT is hosting a celebration to honor those who made the Apollo Program possible. The highlights of the event are the Giant Leaps Symposium, In Memoriam: Robert Seamans, and Tours of MIT space labs. For more information, you can visit the MIT website.


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  1. Apollo PGNCS - tutorial aa11739  said on July 9th, 2009 at 7:47 am,

    […] OrbitalHub » MIT Giant Leaps Celebrates 40th Anniversary Of The … […]

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