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NASA dicit:

A new spacecraft is journeying to the Sun to snap the first pictures of the Sun’s north and south poles. Solar Orbiter, a collaboration between ESA and NASA will have its first opportunity to launch from Cape Canaveral on February 7, 2020. Launching on a United Launch Alliance Atlas V rocket, the spacecraft will use Venus’ and Earth’s gravity to swing itself out of the ecliptic plane — the swath of space, roughly aligned with the Sun’s equator, where all planets orbit. From there, Solar Orbiter’s bird’s eye view will give it the first-ever look at the Sun’s poles.

Video credit: NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center/Holly Gilbert (NASA/GSFC): Scientist/Teresa Nieves-Chinchilla (Catholic University of America): Scientist/Chris St. Cyr (NASA/GSFC): Scientist/Joy Ng (USRA): Producer/Tom Bridgman (GST): Data Visualizer/Adriana Manrique Gutierrez (USRA): Animator/Chris Smith (USRA): Animator/Joy Ng (USRA): Animator/Lisa Poje (USRA): Animator/Krystofer Kim (USRA): Animator/Brian Monroe (USRA): Animator/Miles S. Hatfield (Telophase): Writer


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