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Archive for February, 2009

February 8, 2009

The Columbus Laboratory

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Columbus is an integral part of the International Space Station (ISS), and it is the first European laboratory dedicated to long-term experimentation in zero-g conditions. The projected lifetime of the laboratory is ten years. The Columbus laboratory is named after the famous Italian navigator and explorer Christoforo Columbus, who discovered the Americas in 1492.

Columbus is the smallest ISS laboratory, but it has the same scientific, power, and data handling capacity as the other laboratories owned by Russia, USA, and Japan.

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February 5, 2009

GRACE Or Why Tom Is Chasing Jerry In Orbit

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Credits: NASA-JPL


While the preparations for ESA’s GOCE mission are under way, NASA already has its own gravity mapping mission called GRACE, which was launched in March 2002.


NASA teamed up with the German Space Agency to launch GRACE (Gravity Recovery And Climate Experiment).



GRACE currently provides detailed measurements of the Earth’s gravity field, and these measurements help scientists better understand the effects of gravity on global climate change, oceans, and land masses. This will lead to better predictions about changes in water supply, weather forecasts, and natural hazards.


The data gathered by GRACE has been used to create the best map to date of Earth’s gravitational field. While common sense and introductory physics textbooks tell us that the weight of an object should not have different values at different locations on the surface of the Earth, measurements taken indicate that there are areas where gravity is slightly stronger or weaker than the average. Many of the peaks or valley on the maps put together by scientists can be attributed to surface features, like ridges or mountains. However, there are cases when the variations cannot be explained, and they might be related to high or low sub-surface densities.


The maps compiled from the scientific data returned by GRACE are 1,000 times more accurate then maps previously produced.


The GRACE mission consists of two satellites flying one behind another in near circular orbits at an altitude of 460 km and about 220 km apart. The satellites have really neat nicknames: Tom and Jerry. The leading satellite (that would be Jerry) sends a microwave signal to the trailing satellite (Tom) to precisely measure the distance between the two. GRACE can detect very small changes in the distance that separates the two spacecraft, down to one-tenth of the width of a human hair. The Global Positioning System (GPS) onboard Tom and Jerry is used to determine the precise location of the measurement taken.


Credits: NASA-JPL


What is the science involved in taking these measurements? When a satellite passes over an area where the gravity is stronger, it will experience a stronger gravitational pull and increase its speed. Conversely, the speed of the satellite will decrease when passing over areas with weaker gravity.


Going back to the satellites, the variations in the gravity field will cause the distance between the two spacecraft to vary slightly. On the ground, the measurements of the distance between the GRACE satellites are translated into variations of the gravity field, and this is how the maps are compiled.



GRACE maps the entire gravity field of Earth every thirty days. The snapshots allow the detection of changes in the polar ice sheets, sea level, ocean currents, the Earth’s water cycle, and even the interior structure of the Earth.


The list of applications is impressive. Measurements over ice sheets can indicate decreases in the ice sheet’s mass. Decreases in gravity can also indicate drying river basins. And not just changes in water above the ground can be measured, but also water stored in aquifers beneath the surface.


For more information about GRACE check out NASA’s web site or the dedicated web page at the University of Texas at Austin.


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ESA plans to design and build an autonomous lifting and aerodynamically controlled re-entry system. Critical technologies are being tested: instrumentation for aerodynamics and aerothermodynamics, thermal protection and hot-structure solutions, guidance, navigation, and flight control using a combination of jets and aerodynamic flaps. The Intermediate Experimental Vehicle (IXV) will be the European platform for in-flight testing of re-entry technologies.

The mission is planned to launch from the European spaceport at Kourou, French Guiana. In 2012, a new launch vehicle, Vega, will inject IXV into a low Earth orbit. The small spacecraft will perform a controlled re-entry, its descent slowed by a parachute, and will land in the Pacific Ocean.


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February 1, 2009

Carnival of Space #88

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Credits: NASA/Ball Aerospace


Carnival of Space #88 is hosted at The Spacewriter’s Ramblings.


This week you can read about stargazing, past tragedies in space exploration, humanity’s future in space and a nod to our past efforts, lunar robotic exploration, astronomy news, and much more.


Kepler, an exo-planet discovery mission, is covered by OrbitalHub at this edition of the Carnival.



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