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Archive for October, 2011

October 31, 2011

Soyuz-U/Progress M-13M Rollout and Launch

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On October 28, 2011, a Soyuz-U launch vehicle rolled out at Baikonur with Progress M-13M. Progress will deliver scientific equipment, fuel, food and water for the crew, and other equipment to the International Space Station. Soyuz-U/Progress M-13M lifted off on October 30, 2011. Progress M-13M is scheduled to dock at the station on November 2, 2011.

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October 29, 2011

NPP Launch

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On October 25, 2011, the NPOESS Preparatory Project (NPP) satellite was launched from Vandenberg Air Force Base in California. The NPP mission will collect and distribute data to the meteorological and global climate change communities.

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October 25, 2011

Hurricane Rina

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Cameras on the International Space Station offer a view of Hurricane Rina. On October 25, 2011, the hurricane was located 300 miles east-southeast of Chetumal, Mexico.

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October 23, 2011

Soyuz Flight #1 from French Guiana

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Installation of the payload consisting of the first two Galileo satellites on the Soyuz-ST launch vehicle using the vertical assembly mobile tower. Soyuz-ST lifted off on October 21, 2011.

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October 22, 2011

Soyuz Flight VS01 Liftoff

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A Soyuz launch vehicle lifted off for the first time from Kourou in French Guiana on October 21, 2011. Soyuz carried the first two Galileo satellites. Soyuz launch vehicles that are flown from Kourou use an updated digital flight control system, a more powerful third stage, and have a larger payload fairing.

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October 21, 2011

Comet plunges into Sun

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On October 1, 2011, a comet plunged into the Sun. The STEREO coronagraphs captured the event. Do not drive and text message in the same time!

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